Monday, October 8, 2012

Tantric paintings - visual metaphysics

"They are things of beauty, "a joy forever," and thus very much capable, we may believe, to become supports of cosmic visions. They would also have been, when most abstract, the starting point of aniconic meditations. Some include a dot, a bindu, which, in Tantric metaphysics and cosmology, is the symbol of the undifferentiated absolute, both holding within itself the whole cosmos and transcending it: to concentrate on this focal point is to "see the world in a grain of sand" and to transcend it, to open, that is, one's soul both to the plenitude and the absolute pure void -shunya- of the supreme deity, invisibly present in such abstract symbols, to be reached and experienced through and by transcending them."
André Padoux


without the slightest sound
In the spirit

Franck André Jamme

Artists anonymous from Rajasthan, India